The capabilities for the recording service is returned in the Capabilities element.
Indication if the device supports dynamic creation and deletion of recordings
Indication if the device supports dynamic creation and deletion of tracks
Indication which encodings are supported for recording. The list may contain one or more enumeration values of tt:VideoEncoding and tt:AudioEncoding. For encodings that are neither defined in tt:VideoEncoding nor tt:AudioEncoding the device shall use the IANA defintions. Note, that a device without audio support shall not return audio encodings.
Maximum supported bit rate for all tracks of a recording in kBit/s.
Maximum supported bit rate for all recordings in kBit/s.
Maximum number of recordings supported. (Integer values only.)
Maximum total number of supported recording jobs by the device.
Indication if the device supports the GetRecordingOptions command.
Indication if the device supports recording metadata.
Indication that the device supports ExportRecordedData command for the listed export file formats.
The list shall return at least one export file format value. The value of 'ONVIF' refers to
ONVIF Export File Format specification.
Initial configuration for the recording.
The reference to the created recording.
The reference of the recording to be deleted.
List of recording items.
Token of the recording that shall be changed.
The new configuration.
Token of the configuration to be retrieved.
Configuration of the recording.
Identifies the recording to which a track shall be added.
The configuration of the new track.
The TrackToken shall identify the newly created track. The
TrackToken shall be unique within the recoding to which
the new track belongs.
Token of the recording the track belongs to.
Token of the track to be deleted.
Token of the recording the track belongs to.
Token of the track.
Configuration of the track.
Token of the recording the track belongs to.
Token of the track to be modified.
New configuration for the track.
The initial configuration of the new recording job.
The JobToken shall identify the created recording job.
The JobConfiguration structure shall be the configuration as it is used by the device. This may be different from the
JobConfiguration passed to CreateRecordingJob.
The token of the job to be deleted.
List of recording jobs.
Token of the job to be modified.
New configuration of the recording job.
The JobConfiguration structure shall be the configuration
as it is used by the device. This may be different from the JobConfiguration passed to SetRecordingJobConfiguration.
Token of the recording job.
Current configuration of the recording job.
Token of the recording job.
The new mode for the recording job.
Token of the recording job.
The current state of the recording job.
Token of the recording.
Configuration of the recording.
Optional parameter that specifies start time for the exporting.
Optional parameter that specifies end time for the exporting.
Indicates the selection criterion on the existing recordings. .
Indicates which export file format to be used.
Indicates the target storage and relative directory path.
Unique operation token for client to associate the relevant events.
List of exported file names. The device can also use AsyncronousOperationStatus event to publish this list.
Extensibility point.
Unique ExportRecordedData operation token
Progress percentage of ExportRecordedData operation.
Extensibility point.
Unique ExportRecordedData operation token
Progress percentage of ExportRecordedData operation.
Extensibility point.
Number of spare jobs that can be created for the recording.
A device that supports recording of a restricted set of Media Service Profiles returns the list of profiles that can be recorded on the given Recording.
Total spare number of tracks that can be added to this recording.
Number of spare Video tracks that can be added to this recording.
Number of spare Aduio tracks that can be added to this recording.
Number of spare Metadata tracks that can be added to this recording.
Returns the capabilities of the recording service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
CreateRecording shall create a new recording. The new recording shall be created with a track
for each supported TrackType see Recording Control Spec.
This method is optional. It shall be available if the Recording/DynamicRecordings capability is TRUE.
When successfully completed, CreateRecording shall have created three tracks with the following configurations:
TrackToken TrackType
VIDEO001 Video
AUDIO001 Audio
META001 Metadata
All TrackConfigurations shall have the MaximumRetentionTime set to 0 (unlimited), and the
Description set to the empty string.
DeleteRecording shall delete a recording object. Whenever a recording is deleted, the device
shall delete all the tracks that are part of the recording, and it shall delete all the Recording
Jobs that record into the recording. For each deleted recording job, the device shall also
delete all the receiver objects associated with the recording job that are automatically created
using the AutoCreateReceiver field of the recording job configuration structure and are not
used in any other recording job.
This method is optional. It shall be available if the Recording/DynamicRecordings capability is TRUE.
GetRecordings shall return a description of all the recordings in the device. This description
shall include a list of all the tracks for each recording.
SetRecordingConfiguration shall change the configuration of a recording.
GetRecordingConfiguration shall retrieve the recording configuration for a recording.
GetRecordingOptions returns information for a recording identified by the RecordingToken. The information includes the number of additonal tracks as well as recording jobs that can be configured.
This method shall create a new track within a recording.
This method is optional. It shall be available if the Recording/DynamicTracks capability is TRUE.
A TrackToken in itself does not uniquely identify a specific track. Tracks within different
recordings may have the same TrackToken.
DeleteTrack shall remove a track from a recording. All the data in the track shall be deleted.
This method is optional. It shall be available if the Recording/DynamicTracks capability is
GetTrackConfiguration shall retrieve the configuration for a specific track.
SetTrackConfiguration shall change the configuration of a track.
CreateRecordingJob shall create a new recording job.
The JobConfiguration returned from CreateRecordingJob shall be identical to the
JobConfiguration passed into CreateRecordingJob, except for the ReceiverToken and the
AutoCreateReceiver. In the returned structure, the ReceiverToken shall be present and valid
and the AutoCreateReceiver field shall be omitted.
DeleteRecordingJob removes a recording job. It shall also implicitly delete all the receiver
objects associated with the recording job that are automatically created using the
AutoCreateReceiver field of the recording job configuration structure and are not used in any
other recording job.
GetRecordingJobs shall return a list of all the recording jobs in the device.
SetRecordingJobConfiguration shall change the configuration for a recording job.
SetRecordingJobConfiguration shall implicitly delete any receiver objects that were created
automatically if they are no longer used as a result of changing the recording job configuration.
GetRecordingJobConfiguration shall return the current configuration for a recording job.
SetRecordingJobMode shall change the mode of the recording job. Using this method shall be
equivalent to retrieving the recording job configuration, and writing it back with a different
GetRecordingJobState returns the state of a recording job. It includes an aggregated state,
and state for each track of the recording job.
Exports the selected recordings (from existing recorded data) to the given storage target based on the requested file format.
Stops the selected ExportRecordedData operation.
Retrieves the status of selected ExportRecordedData operation.